Why Reclaim Your Divinity?

What happens when you decide to accept your divine nature and determine to live your life from there? Why, your whole world would change!  As you raise your consciousness and strengthen your self-confidence and more unquestionably trust in a benevolent and all‑wise God who lives intimately within you as close and as real as your very breath, your very life is lived in a real marriage with your Real Self.  Life then takes on a more positive and upward spin.   

Your determination to only entertain, thoughts, feelings and higher states of consciousness like love, peace, truth, freedom, courage, compassion, victory, and such life-giving vibrations despite outer negative circumstances which will try to pull you down or offer synthetic, adverse alternative ways of being, will establish an indomitable aura or energy field.  This can also be described as your Presence. 

As your Presence raises in vibration and expands, your creative powers increase and your ability to create, transform and re-create the world around you..  You will be a positive power in the world.